
医療法人 誠志会 砥部病院




 アインシュタインは、「重要な問題を60分で解かなければならないのなら、私は55分を正しい問いを立てることに使い、残りの5分を、問題を解くことに使う」と語り、「マネジメント」で有名な経営学者 ピーター・ドラッカーは「重要なことは、正しい答えを見つけることではなく、正しい問いを立てることである。間違った問いに対する答えほど、手に負えないものはない」と言っています。
 「selective attention test」というビデオをYouTubeで見ることができます。「問い」により一部分に集中すれば、大きなことを見逃すという良い例で、全世界に広まりました。医療ミス防止の講演会などでも、よく使われています。

 砥部病院 院長 中城 敏

〈English Version〉
“I wish for you to develop the ability to pose meaningful questions in these three years.” These were the words spoken by Principal Tetsuya Ikeda during the entrance ceremony of Matsuyama Minami High School in the fifth year of the Reiwa era.
Albert Einstein once said, “If I had an hour to solve a problem, I would spend 55 minutes thinking about the right question to ask, and 5 minutes solving the problem.”
Peter Drucker, a renowned management scholar, known for his work in “management,” stated, “The important thing is not to find the right answer but to ask the right question. There is nothing more dangerous than an answer to the wrong question.”
You can watch a video on YouTube called “selective attention test.” It has become a widely known example illustrating how focusing on one aspect can cause us to overlook significant details. It is frequently used in lectures on preventing medical errors as well.
The video depicts two teams, one wearing white uniforms and the other wearing black uniforms, passing basketballs among themselves. The question posed during this time is, “How many times did the team in white pass the ball?” The correct answer is shown in the video, followed immediately by the question, “By the way, did you notice the gorilla?”
When I used this video during a lecture, 80% of the audience missed the gorilla. Upon reviewing the video, it becomes apparent that a gorilla walks into the center and beats its chest several times.
Due to their attention being focused on individuals wearing white uniforms, they failed to notice the gorilla. Our brains make it difficult for other information to enter when we consciously focus on something. Our consciousness is controlled by the questions we ask. When the question changes, what we see specifically changes. Questions that allow the person being questioned to gain new insights can be considered “the right questions,” don’t you think?
In his book, psychiatrist Viktor Frankl stated, “Don’t ask what the meaning of life is. We are questioned by life.” The question of “What should I do with my life?” is too difficult to answer immediately. However, by changing the question to “Who needs me and where are they? What can I do to bring joy to that person?” we can find the answers.
Today marks the first day of my sixty-fourth year, as I have resolved to continuously ask the “right questions” in order to gain new insights, even in the small details that arise and fade away in our daily lives.

 June 24, 2023
 Satoshi Nakashiro M.D. Ph.D.
 Director of Tobe Hospital


〒791-2114 愛媛県伊予郡砥部町麻生40-1

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