
医療法人 誠志会 砥部病院




 管理栄養士、児嶋茉梨さんのご主人は、元東京農業大学応援団副団長ですが、明治の英傑 榎本 武揚が創設した東京農業大学の初代学長、横井時敬(ときよし)先生が言われた言葉が、心に残っています。「稲のことは稲に聞け、農業のことは農民に聞け」です。砥部病院に当てはめれば、「患者さんのことは、患者さんから聞け。看護のことは看護師に聞け」です。

 DNR(Do Not Resuscitation)とカルテにあったとしても、それは心肺蘇生を試みないだけことであり、その患者さんには、それまで以上に寄り添わなければなりません。 

  砥部病院 院長 中城 敏

〈English Version〉
Spring has arrived, bringing a refreshing breeze and bright green foliage. At Tobe Hospital, we welcome Chief Nurse Ito Hatsue, marking the start of a new season.
She has retired from the Kuma-kogen Municipal Hospital, and brings with her the nursing spirit cultivated there to our hospital.
At Tokyo University of Agriculture, Yokoi Tokikazu said : “Ask the rice about rice, and ask the farmers about farming.” This means that we should prioritize learning from actual patients when it comes to nursing, rather than making it a purely academic pursuit.
Chief Nurse Ito Hatsue tells us to view patients who are hospitalized as people who are living their lives. She also emphasizes the need to think about their lives after they leave the hospital, and provide support accordingly.
One of my favorite quotes is from Dr. Sakamura Shinmin, who said “live in the present”. Patients who are hospitalized are living in the present. When people visit them and say “get well soon”, it can sound like the time spent in treatment is merely a break from their lives. But even if a patient is suffering from terminal cancer, they are still “living in the present”. This is exactly what Chief Nurse Ito Hatsue means by “patients as people who are living their lives”. There are many ways to approach speaking to patients who are hospitalized, but I believe the message of “Do your best to live today. We’re here to help you in any way we can, and we’ll always be by your side.” is most important.
Even if the patient’s chart includes a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) order, it simply means that resuscitation won’t be attempted, and we must be even more attentive to the patient’s needs. We must not overlook their treatment in favor of only focusing on their family members.
Chief Nurse Ito Hatsue, who sings and dances, has promised to fully cooperate in realizing things that she was unable to do before. We wish her the best in her nursing career’s grand culmination.

 April 24, 2023
 Satoshi Nakashiro M.D. Ph.D.
 Director of Tobe Hospital


〒791-2114 愛媛県伊予郡砥部町麻生40-1

TEL:089-957-5511 FAX:089-957-5542

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